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I like chess as well as walking the local nature trails. The worst job I ever had was as a waiter.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

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Our Featured Golf Writer

You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!

Golf Irons and Golf Putters

by Gordon Petten

First of all you should know that when term iron is used concerning golf it means the metal blade (or head) attached to the golf stick. Selecting the right irons is considered as the basic step towards improvement of game. These irons are available in different sizes and finishes. You can choose iron according to you style.

Primarily golf irons comes in two finishes namely metal finish and satin finish. You may find a rare golf iron with Fly Yellow finish. Pressure casting method is used for manufacturing these golf irons. The golf irons are made up of soft metals. Some manufacturers prefer to couple these soft metals with steel shafts which according to them provide excellent results. The propriety of forgiveness is considered as a quality of good golf iron. This property gives you an advantage to hit the golf club without change in direction or vibration. Let us elaborate on the different types of golf irons. * Gun Metal finish Golf Irons: These are considered to be the best golf irons. These gun metal finish golf irons posses the propriety of Ion plasma. This plasma finish enable the golf iron to gain finish level as less as .03 microns. These gun metal finish golf irons are usually hand crafted and give improved performance and great feelings while playing with it. * The latest and rarer version of yellow finish golf iron also posses all properties of other gun metal golf irons and is manufactured through pressure cast method. However, it is said that these yellow finish golf irons gives slippery feeling that results in reducing drag. You must understand that this yellow finish is not a coating of surface. The yellow finish completely immerses into cast metal and is long lasting. Playing with these yellow finish golf irons will surely add to your pleasure of playing golf. * Satin finish golf irons are considered to be traditional. These are also manufactured through pressure cast method. It is considered that making these satin finish golf irons makes them consistent than that of forged club heads. Satin finish golf irons also has all properties of gun metal golf irons. * Mid-size Golf Irons: As is suggestive from the nomenclature, these golf irons are neither too short nor too big. These mid-size golf irons consists of thin top line which is considered to be designed especially for professional golfers. Perimeter weighting is the primary quality of these golf irons. This quality provides forgiveness without conceding feel and distance. It is considered very useful in club head control and greater speed of swing owing to lighter swing weight. This is also helpful in producing click impact as mid-size irons have a slight offset which helps in keeping your hand in front of club. Generally, these mid-size golf irons are available in gun metal finish. * Oversize Golf Iron: These golf irons are produced with stainless steel. They posses a wider top line. Oversize golf irons are little more offset than the other type of cavity back golf irons. Oversize golf irons are designed keeping the high handicap and mid handicap professional golfers in view. These are considered useful in hitting the golf ball high in the air. These oversize golf irons facilitates you in hitting the ball at longer distance with greater accuracy. Oversize golf irons are mainly available in Graphite and Steel shafts.

Selecting a right golf putter is equally important in improving your game. Golf putters is an aspect of concern for all golfers. Selection of golf putter depends on your personal choice of weight, look and style. Golf putter are available in different specification. Cobra, Ping, Yes Putters, McGregor, Odyssey and Callaway are some popular names of manufacturers of golf putters.

Golf Irons and Golf Putters

More Thoughts On Golf

To develop a simple, comfortable and effective grip. Your grip is the foundation of your golf swing. Make sure your grip is comfortable. It is important to develop a neutral grip that requires no compensations during the swing. The orthodox position with the V.s of both hands (formed by the forefinger and the thumb) pointing between the chin and right shoulder is a good place to start. Very few good players have grips with the V.s pointing very far from this position. If you want a little stronger grip move the left hand over to the right a little. news

Mental Game Tip
Since I'm not a psychologist I will not try to get deeply into how the mind works during a game of golf -- who knows anyway? -- everybody's different smile But whether you call it Golf Psychology, or Sport Psychology, or The Mental Game, The Mental Side of Golf, Trying to Get into the Zone, whatever you call it, from my experience the mental side of the game of golf really boils down to something simple: The most important thing you can do mentally to give yourself the best possible chance of success is to focus your attention on what you want to have happen.
...PGA professional golf

To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
...PGA of America

Iron Game Tip
A very important factor in striking the ball solidly and consistently with your irons is getting the "bottom" of your swing in front of the ball (i.e., the lowest spot in the swing's arc on the target side of the ball). Divot diagram This promotes contacting the ball before the ground (this is a good idea). You can develop a feel for this by scratching a line on the ground with a tee, or making a row of tees spaced about 6 inches apart, perpendicular to your target line. Straddle the line and take divots until you consistently make the divots in front of (toward the target from) the line, or row of tees. You can certainly hit balls this way too -- with the balls on the line or between each of the tees. Once you can do this you'll hit your iron shots much more solidly and with more control.
...PGA professional golf

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Mon, 19 Sep 2005 00:00:00 GMT
On the latest episode of "Golf Fitness Academy presented by Titleist," co-hosts Dave Phillips and Dr. Greg Rose will offer training tips for junior athletes, specifically those interested in golf.

Titleist Announces Free Personalization Golf Ball Promotion

Mon, 10 Apr 2006 00:00:00 GMT

'I went from winning a tournament to a hospital bed'

Mon, 14 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>When Trevor Immelman was laid up in a hospital bed, wondering if that lump growing inside his body was cancerous, the last thing on his mind was winning a golf tournament &ndash; much less a major. He thought about all his loved ones, especially one-year-old son Jacob.</p>

Justin Rose: 'In his heart of hearts Justin knows that he has the ability'

Tue, 08 Apr 2008 00:00:01 +0100
<p>As a close friend of Ian Poulter, Justin Rose is only too aware of the pitfalls of making the grand statement. But while the former continues to be pilloried for declaring that it is only a matter of time before he is world No 2, the latter continues to plot a far more subtle course to that startling height. While Poulter is saying it, Rose is actually believing it.</p>

Titleist Momentum Continues Across Worldwide Professional Tours

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